LADOT Open House for Venice Blvd.
Wednesday, March 14th
6 to 8 PM
Mar Vista Recreation Center
11430 Woodbine St.

You know what the problems are:
  • Gridlock every day, at all hours and even on the weekends, creating more air pollution
  • Cut through traffic onto previously quiet residential streets
  • Small businesses revenues down up to 30% and 5 businesses have closed
  • Increased emergency response times as emergency vehicles are stuck in gridlock
  • Increased accidents on and near Venice Blvd. including 14 cyclists hit and 1 pedestrian death
  • Access restricted to Venice Beach and emergency and tsunami evacuation routes

If you are concerned about what is happening on Venice Blvd, you need to be there! LADOT staff need to hear from you and they need to see our community is still fighting back.

Restore Venice Blvd will be there to provide you with suggested questions & information you'll need to challenge LADOT's "data."

We need a BIG turnout for this event. Attend this Open House and bring your neighbors with you.

Be a Citizen Journalist

Document what happens at the Open House. Use your smartphone and take video of the LADOT staff answering questions. Then send us your videos via email to

Here are some tips on how to shoot a great video in landscape (aka widescreen or horizontal) mode.